Spells her first name independently | 3.4 | link |
Spells her first name with a name template to view letters | 3.4 | link |
Learning letter sounds - making a pancake with play dough | 3.4 | link |
Learning letter sounds - matching, tracing, coloring plastic letters | 3.4 | link |
Match words to photos | 3.4 | link |
Match #s 1-5 on clothespins to quantity | 3.4 | link |
Counting 1-5 square tiles using templates | 3.4 | link |
Counting 1 to 5 on a number ring and making a number book with stamps | 3.4 | link |
Talking about pictures in a book (language skills) | 3.4 | link |
Ball skills and learning colors red, yellow, & blue | 3.4 | link |
Concepts (big vs. little), shapes, & colors | 3.4 | link |
Imitating pictures with color tiles | 3.5 | link |
Weather routine & morning prayer led by brother & sister | 3.4 | link |
Receptive identification of words | 3.6 | link |
Intro to daily picture schedule and ABC routine | 3.6 | link |
Memory game - taking turns, following directions, vocabulary, signs | 3.6 | link |
ID numbers - card house & finger puppets | 3.6 | link |
ID colors - beading pipe cleaners & sight words on, off, in | 3.6 | link |
Fishing game for letter sounds | 3.6 | link |
Sorting objects by beginning sounds | 3.6 | link |
Colors - walking up stairs to get clothes for dress-up | 3.6 | link |
Egg hunt to identify letters, numbers & shapes | 3.8 | link |
Number ID with dot marker & taking turns with sister | 3.8 | link |
Letter Sounds | 3.9 | link |
Spelling Name - matching letters to template | 3.9 | link |
Identify numbers using a dot marker | 3.9 | link |
Learning colors through pretend play with bears | 3.9 | link |
Calendar routine | 4.0 | link |
Reading kindergarten sight words | 4.4 | link |
Counting & ordering numbers while making a project | 4.4 | link |
Matching sentences to pictures | 4.5 | link |
Reading & acting out "I am (action)" with chalk on the driveway with sisters as peer models | 4.5 | link |
ID numbers while playing with mini Jenga blocks | 4.5 | link |
Tracing first name | 4.6 | link |
Drawing a person | 4.6 | link |
Reading simple sentences and demonstrating understanding | 4.6 | link |
Felicity's Farm - reading sentences with sight words | 4.6 | link |
Repetitive sentence strips to learn sight words "I like..." | 4.6 | link |
Repetitive sentence strips to learn sight words "It is a (object)" | 4.6 | link |
Sight words "yes" and "no" - circling in response to questions | 4.6 | link |
Learning to read color words - matching | 4.6 | link |
Identify beginning sounds of objects | 4.6 | link |
Beginning sounds - letter stamps on worksheet | 4.6 | link |
ID missing letters of alphabet with sister as teacher | 4.6 | link |
Counting and identifying numbers 1-12 with play dough | 4.6 | link |
Learning #13 - number hunt using a dot marker | 4.6 | link |
Numbers 10-15 - ID and putting them in order | 4.6 | link |
Counting 1 to 22 turkey feathers | 4.6 | link |
Calendar concepts - receptive ID of day, month, date, year | 4.6 | link |
Making "muffins" - reviewing letters, numbers, shapes | 4.6 | link |
Drawing a house | 4.7 | link |
Matching words to pictures | 4.7 | link |
Reading CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words | 4.7 | link |
"It is (sibling)" sentence strip for sight words | 4.7 | link |
Making a repetitive sentence strip for sight words "I go to..." | 4.7 | link |
Felicity reads a book to her brother | 4.7 | link |
Balancing - walking on ice skates | 4.8 | link |
Identifying days of the week receptively | 4.8 | link |
Identifying months receptively | 4.8 | link |
"Ironing" sight words written on cloth with toy iron | 4.8 | link |
Stuffed animal picnic - kindergarten sight words | 4.8 | link |
Matching words to pictures using a photo album | 4.8 | link |
Making consonant-vowel-consonant words in play dough using letter stencils | 4.8 | link |
Matching sentence labels to pictures she drew | 4.8 | link |
ID numbers 11 to 20 - erasing #s on dry erase board | 4.8 | link |
Counting 1-13 items with 1:1 correspondence independently | 4.8 | link |
Obstacle course with siblings - CVC word puzzle | 4.9 | link |
Labeling a picture with scrapbook letters - letter ID & letter sounds | 4.9 | link |
Sight words ball game with siblings | 4.9 | link |
Counting while feeding jelly bean stickers to a drawing of a baby | 4.9 | link |
Reading sentences with sight words using the Photoloco game | 4.11 | link |
Shaving cream - numbers and words | 4.11 | link |
Videos of Teaching Sessions with Felicity
Children with Down syndrome and other developmental delays require a significant amount of repetition to acquire and retain new information. In my experience, the trick is to find a variety of fun and creative ways to present and teach information that the child will be continually exposed to over long periods of time pertaining to academic goals (such as colors, shapes, letters, numbers, counting, sight words, phonics, etc). It is imperative that the child is motivated and remains engaged in the educational activities for optimal learning to occur. (Click on the "link" to activate the video. It will open in a new window.
Educating Felicity & Friends